Parent Information & Volunteering

For each home meet that Ventura Tigres hosts, a parent or other designated volunteer must meet their volunteer obligation. You will be notified the week before each home meet where you will be needed and for which shift (AM or PM). It is the responsibility of each athlete’s family to ensure this obligation is met or that other arrangements are made prior to the meet.

Your 2024 Volunteer Coordinator is Jeremy Patelzick. You can contact him by email at

(View Parent Volunteer Descriptions — see bottom of page)

The club is a 100% volunteer organization. In order for our meets to run smoothly we must have everyone committed to participating. When we host a meet we need about 125 people handling various duties concurrently throughout the meet. The more volunteers, the faster the meet will proceed and it will be more enjoyable for everyone. All age groups have a parent meeting, usually during the first few days of practice. The purpose of the meeting is to communicate general information as well as outline what is expected of athletes and their parents.

To promote a safe and fun environment and uphold the Ventura Tigres’ Vision Statement and Governing Principles, we require all parents to read and sign the Parents’ Code of Conduct – just as athletes must sign the Athletes’ Code of Conduct. In short, profanity, physical and verbal abuse, poor sportsmanship, and drugs/alcohol and tobacco products are not allowed/tolerated at track meets and practices and we enforce this as a zero tolerance policy. You can download a copy of the Parents’ Code of Conduct HERE (includes the athlete code of conduct form which is also required of all athletes).

Our coaches are all parent volunteers. If you are able to stay at practice and help out, please let the coach(es) know. Some coaches may have all the help they need, but more likely they would appreciate your help on a number of activities, no experience required! Of course a key point is to get your athlete to and from practice on time.

At meets there is constant activity at several venues throughout the day. Please control your movement and those of younger siblings so as not to interfere with any of the competitions. Unless you are a designated volunteer with a specific task requiring access to the track you will not be allowed in the track or field areas.

Volunteer Descriptions

Data Volunteers (5 volunteers total per shift)

Please note the below DATA positions will involve some training in addition to the practice meet. Erin Sap will be coordinating these training exercises with you and hold them during practices at Buena High School in the weeks prior to the practice meet. Questions or more information about the above can be directed to Erin at

DATA/CAMERA (1 volunteer each AM and PM shift)

You will assist the Tigres Timing & Meet/Team Manager coordinator. This includes assistance running the cameras during heats, communicating to starter whether timing is ready for next heat, helping with timing setup for AM or take-down for PM shifts. The goal for this position is to make sure more than one person competent in the setup and operation on the timing system is always available. Physical requirements: This is mostly seated at the on-field timing tent, however setup or take-down may involve multiple across field or to the Tigres shed located under bleachers.

DATA ENTRY (2 volunteers each AM and PM shift)

You will be responsible for accurately entering data on a laptop, including judging race results, and entering field event results. Physical requirements: This is a seated position at the on-field timing tent. Must be comfortable working with computers with accuracy and at a fast pace.

STAGING DATA INPUT (2 volunteers each AM and PM shift)

You will be responsible for checking in athletes, communicating with the Timing/Results & Staging areas, and keeping notes to help Timing/Results accurately judge each heat. Data entry computer experience desired. One volunteer per shift will be entering/removing/deleting athletes in the meet manager program while the other will assist with notes, putting athlete’s stickers on, and asking for necessary info from athletes, and run information between staging and timing/results. Physical requirements: Mostly seated in the staging tent (shade).

Finish Line Volunteers (2 to 8 volunteers each AM and PM shift)


FINISH LINE (2 to 3 volunteers each AM and PM shift)

You will help monitor the finish line and assist athletes off the field in order at the end of races. You will also help with back-up timing if needed. Physical requirements: Walking/Standing

FINISH LINE 100s (4 to 6 volunteers during the 100 meter dash)

You will be responsible for recording athletes’ information at the finish line and directing athletes off the track. Physical requirements: Standing (not shaded).

Staging (8 volunteers for AM and PM shift)

You will help with corralling athletes and escorting them to staging and to events. Physical requirements: Standing and walking some shade.

4 X 100 RELAY AND HURDLES (8 volunteers for AM only)

You will be responsible for preparation of athletes prior to 4 x 100 relay events, acting as a line judge, as well as setup and removal of hurdles. Physical requirements: Standing (not shaded); ability to quickly lift, carry, and adjust equipment. Experience is a plus.

CROWD CONTROL (3 volunteers for AM and PM shift)

You will be responsible for admitting authorized individuals into the track area when the track is clear and preventing unauthorized individuals from accessing the infield. Also responsible for helping to direct the flow of athletes across the track to exit the area when the track is clear. Physical requirements: Standing, opening and closing the gate.

HIGH JUMP (5 volunteers each AM and PM shift)

You will be responsible for corralling athletes and directing the flow of competition, placing/replacing the high jump bar, measuring jumps, and recording jumps. Physical requirements: Standing (not shaded), bending, and reaching.

SETUP (10 to 12 volunteers)

You will be responsible for setup of team tents and other equipment. Physical requirements: Standing, lifting, and carrying.

TEARDOWN (12 to 16 volunteers)

—–Teardown 1 (Bleachers/Outside Track) You will be responsible for breakdown and removal of team tents and any equipment set up outside the field. Checking bleachers for lost and found and taking recycling out of bins for pick up. Physical requirements: Standing, lifting, and carrying.

—–Teardown 2 (Field Events) You will be responsible for removal and storage of high jump and long jump event equipment and tents. Covering the high jump pit, raking and covering the long jump pits and picking up trash/recycling from around the infield. Physical requirements: Standing, lifting, and carrying.

—–Teardown 3 (Staging/Timing) You will be responsible for removal and storage of all tents, tables, chairs and flooring at timing and staging area. Also remaining hurdles and any other equipment from the infield. Physical requirements: Standing, fairly heavy lifting, and carrying.

WATER TABLE (2 to 3 volunteers per shift)

You will manage the water station near staging/finish line area. Filling water cups, keeping water coolers full, maintaining area so trash isn’t on the track. Taking waters to field volunteers once per shift. Physical requirements: Some lifting may be required.

LONG JUMP (5 to 6 volunteers each for girls and boys, AM and PM)

You will be responsible for organizing athletes and the flow of competition, watching for faults and other technical issues, measuring jumps, and raking sand. Physical requirements: Standing (not shaded), stooping/bending, and raking.

SHOT PUT (5 volunteers each AM and PM shift)

You will be responsible for organizing athletes and the flow of competition, watching for faults and other technical issues, measuring throws. Physical requirements: Standing (not shaded), stooping/bending.

APPAREL (2 to 3 volunteers per shift)

You will be responsible for selling apparel during first half of meet at home meets and weekday shifts during practices for the first few weeks. Basic math skills required. Physical requirements: Standing, some seated, light lifting, shade.

ANNOUNCER (1 volunteer per shift)

You will be responsible for announcing 1st, 2nd, 3rd call etc. Mic will be down on the field. Announcer stationed near staging/timing tents. Experience preferred. Physical requirements: Standing, some shade.

TEAM PARENTS (2 to 4 volunteers AM and PM)

4 to 6 GREMLINS/BANTAMS and 1 or 2 MIDGET team parents.  You will be responsible for monitoring athletes and assisting coaches at the team canopies (bleachers) between events. You will also keep an eye on activity below bleachers. Physical requirements: Mostly seated, shaded.

AWAY MEET CANOPIES (1 to 2 volunteers per AWAY meet)

You will be responsible for picking up four canopies from the Tigres shed at Buena High School on the Thursday before away meets and transporting canopies to away meet venues, setting up for age groups, taking down at the end of the meet and returning to Buena on Monday. Physical requirements: Lifting, cargo room in vehicle for four canopies.


You must be available for practices and all home meets. No experience necessary. Training will be provided and a background check required.

CALLERS (4 to 6 volunteers)

You will be responsible for contacting and organizing 20-30 volunteers the week before each home meet. Must be reachable by text, email, AND phone. Subject to approval by volunteer coordinator.

If you have any questions about these volunteer duties please email Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.